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Literary Analysis: Paul Rushworth-Brown and Ken Follett

Updated: Jun 19

By Amanda Smith

Literary Analysis: Paul Rushworth-Brown and Ken Follett: Amanda Smith, a literary analyst, approaches the works of Paul Rushworth-Brown and Ken Follett by examining their distinctive styles, thematic elements, and the impact of their narrative techniques. Here’s an overview of how she conducted a literary analysis of these two authors:

Literary Analysis

Paul Rushworth-Brown: Author of Dream of Courage and

Ken Follett: Pillars of the Earth

Author Paul Rushworth-Brown

Style and Tone:

Rushworth-Brown’s style is more introspective and laden with a sense of brooding. He uses a mix of colloquial and poetic language to create a somber and reflective mood. His fiction is also accurately researched and historically accurate.

"The dawn crept in with a gray and cold persistence, casting long shadows across the rugged Yorkshire moors. Robert pulled his woolen coat tighter around his shoulders, feeling the bite of the morning chill. He paused to take in the desolate beauty of the landscape, the heather swaying in the breeze, and the distant, haunting call of a curlew. Each step through the moor was heavy, not just with the weight of the sodden ground beneath his boots, but with the burden of thoughts that clouded his mind." (Skulduggery)

Character Interaction:

The interaction between characters in Rushworth-Brown's version is more intimate and laden with underlying tension. The lingering touch and searching eyes add depth to the characters’ emotions.

"Isabella stood by the window, her fingers tracing the cold glass as she watched the first flakes of snow fall gently to the ground. The room was silent, save for the crackling of the fire. Her thoughts were a tumultuous sea, waves of doubt and longing crashing against the fragile shore of her resolve.

John entered quietly, his footsteps barely audible on the wooden floor. He paused, observing her from the doorway, his heart aching at the sight of her sadness. He crossed the room and stood beside her, close enough to feel the warmth of her presence but not daring to touch her.

'Isabella,' he murmured, his voice a soft plea. She turned to him, her eyes searching his, filled with a mixture of hope and despair. For a moment, neither spoke, the silence between them thick with unspoken words and lingering emotions." (Red Winter Journey)

Descriptive Elements:

Rushworth-Brown delves deeper into the psychological state of his characters, emphasizing the inner turmoil and the weight of unspoken truths. The language is more metaphorical, evoking a sense of haunting and secrecy.

"The village of Haworth lay nestled in the rolling hills of West Yorkshire, a tapestry of stone cottages and narrow cobbled streets winding their way through the landscape. The air was thick with the scent of peat fires and the earthy aroma of the surrounding moorlands. Twilight was settling in, casting a soft, dusky glow over the rooftops and bathing the village in hues of purple and gold." (Skulduggery)

Author Ken Follett:

Style and Tone:

Follett’s style is more straightforward and concise, focusing on clarity and pacing. His tone is slightly more detached, providing a clear narrative without delving too deeply into the characters' psyche.

“Tom Builder lay beside the road with his wife and two children. They had walked from Exeter, leaving before dawn. It had rained all the way, and now, although the rain had stopped, they were all soaked and shivering. The baby started to cry, and Tom’s wife, Agnes, hushed her gently."

(Pillars of the Earth)

Character Interaction:

The interaction in Follett's version is direct and efficient. The emotions are present but not as deeply explored, maintaining a brisker pace in the narrative.

"Maud Fitzherbert was busy at her desk when Walter von Ulrich entered the room. She glanced up, her expression neutral. "Walter, I wasn't expecting you," she said, setting down her pen.

Walter approached, a look of determination on his face. "We need to talk, Maud," he replied, his tone serious but controlled. He stood before her desk, his posture rigid.

Maud leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "What is it?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. The tension between them was palpable, though neither acknowledged it openly.

Walter took a deep breath. "This situation with our countries—it's becoming unbearable. We can't keep pretending it doesn't affect us," he said, his eyes locking onto hers." (Fall of Giants)

Descriptive Elements:

Follett’s description is clear and effective, providing enough detail to paint the scene without overindulging in metaphorical language. The focus remains on the progression of events and the immediate reactions of the characters.

The village of Kingsbridge lay in the shadow of the great cathedral, its spire reaching towards the heavens, a testament to the labor and devotion of generations. The market square bustled with activity, the chatter of merchants and buyers mingling with the clatter of hooves on cobblestones and the distant tolling of church bells.

Tom Builder moved through the throng, his eyes scanning the familiar surroundings. The air was thick with the smell of fresh bread, roasting meat, and the sharp tang of tanned leather. Stalls lined the square, laden with goods—brightly colored fabrics, gleaming tools, and baskets of ripe, fragrant fruit. (Pillars of the Earth)

In Summary:

Paul Rushworth-Brown's writing tends to be more introspective and emotionally intense, using rich, descriptive language to explore the inner lives of characters. Ken Follett, on the other hand, favours a more straightforward narrative style, with clear and efficient descriptions that keep the story moving at a brisk pace.

The literary analysis of Paul Rushworth-Brown and Ken Follett highlights their unique contributions to historical fiction. She appreciates Rushworth-Brown’s introspective and emotionally rich storytelling, as well as Follett’s clear, concise, and plot-driven narratives. By comparing their styles, character interactions, and descriptive elements, Smith provides a nuanced understanding of how each author approaches historical fiction and engages their readers.

Face of Author Paul Rushworth-Brown
Author Paul Rushworth-Brown
Face of author Ken Follett
Author Ken Follett

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