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Chastity Belt Myth or Madness?
The Unbreakable Spirits: Stories of Triumph and Hope from Children in the Workhouse
Was William Shakespeare's Father John Shakespeare a Crook
BBC 's Sanchez Payne - Exploring Heritage and History: Crafting 'Skulduggery' from Sydney to Haworth in the 1590s
Confronting Fear: A Journey of Courage in "Dream of Courage: Facing Fear Head On"
King David's Silver and Gold: A Tale of Counterfeit Courage and Betrayal
Easter: The Celebration of the Resurrection of Christ or the Pagan Goddess Eostre ?
The Historical Fiction Company Review of Dream of Courage: Facing Fear Head On
Unveiling the Triumph of Paul Rushworth-Brown's "Dream of Courage" in the US National Times
MEET THE AUTHOR talks with Paul about his highly anticipated novel "Dream of Courage"
Henry VIII's Triumph in Yorkshire: A Story of Rebellion, Subjugation and Skulduggery
Children Punished for Skulduggery Throughout the Ages
MEET THE AUTHOR Podcast: LIVE - Featuring Australian novelist Paul Rushworth-Brown
Bugs and Beds Through the Centuries
Between the Covers Interview with Publisher - Bradley Shaw
Paul Rushworth-Brown Radio 2RDJ-FM
Skulduggery around Haworth and Keighley
Discovered Among the Human Excrement, Corpses of Unwanted Infants. WHAT?
17th Century Almshouses Catered for the Crippled, Sick and Insane
A Yorkshire Hanging- Execution Day was a Big, Rowdy Event