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الأحداث القادمة

  • Down Under Interviews with A.M. Stuart
    Down Under Interviews with A.M. Stuart
    تواريخ متعددة
    الجمعة، 18 أكتوبر
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    18 أكتوبر 2024، 7:00 م – 7:20 م
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    18 أكتوبر 2024، 7:00 م – 7:20 م
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    Discover the stories behind the stories on 'History Bards and Down Under Interviews,' the must-watch vodcast for readers and writers alike.
  • Down Under Interviews with Author John B. Wren
    Down Under Interviews with Author John B. Wren
    تواريخ متعددة
    الجمعة، 18 أكتوبر
    18 أكتوبر 2024، 6:00 م – 7:00 م غرينتش-4
    18 أكتوبر 2024، 6:00 م – 7:00 م غرينتش-4
    The must-watch vodcast for readers and writers alike. Dive into the creative minds of today’s top authors, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and journeys that bring their captivating works to life.
  • Down Under Interviews with Ryan Hale
    Down Under Interviews with Ryan Hale
    تواريخ متعددة
    الجمعة، 18 أكتوبر
    18 أكتوبر 2024، 6:10 م – 7:10 م غرينتش-5
    18 أكتوبر 2024، 6:10 م – 7:10 م غرينتش-5
    The must-watch vodcast for readers and writers alike. Dive into the creative minds of today’s top authors, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and journeys that bring their captivating works to life.
  • History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Max Willi Fischer
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Max Willi Fischer
    تواريخ متعددة
    السبت، 19 أكتوبر
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    19 أكتوبر 2024، 7:00 م – 8:00 م
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    19 أكتوبر 2024، 7:00 م – 8:00 م
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    Discover the stories behind the stories on 'History Bards and Down Under Interviews,' the must-watch vodcast for readers and writers alike. Dive into the creative minds of today’s top authors, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and journeys that bring their captivating works to life.
  • Down Under Interviews Author Lily Style
    Down Under Interviews Author Lily Style
    تواريخ متعددة
    السبت، 19 أكتوبر
    Down Under Interviews
    19 أكتوبر 2024، 6:00 م – 7:00 م غرينتش+1
    Down Under Interviews
    19 أكتوبر 2024، 6:00 م – 7:00 م غرينتش+1
    Down Under Interviews
    Discover the stories behind the stories on 'History Bards and Down Under Interviews,' the must-watch vodcast for readers and writers alike.
  • History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Julian de la Motte (1)
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Julian de la Motte (1)
    تواريخ متعددة
    الخميس، 24 أكتوبر
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    24 أكتوبر 2024، 7:00 م – 11:00 م غرينتش+1
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    24 أكتوبر 2024، 7:00 م – 11:00 م غرينتش+1
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    It might just be the best historical fiction you'll ever read.” —Charles McNair, nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
  • Down Under Interviews Author Gail Combs Oglesby
    Down Under Interviews Author Gail Combs Oglesby
    تواريخ متعددة
    الخميس، 24 أكتوبر
    24 أكتوبر 2024، 6:00 م – 7:00 م غرينتش-5
    24 أكتوبر 2024، 6:00 م – 7:00 م غرينتش-5
    The must-watch vodcast for readers and writers alike. Dive into the creative minds of today’s top authors, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and journeys that bring their captivating works to life.
  • Down Under Interviews Author Arianwen Nunn
    Down Under Interviews Author Arianwen Nunn
    تواريخ متعددة
    الجمعة، 25 أكتوبر
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    25 أكتوبر 2024، 6:00 م غرينتش+11 – 01 نوفمبر 2024، 7:00 م غرينتش+11
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    25 أكتوبر 2024، 6:00 م غرينتش+11 – 01 نوفمبر 2024، 7:00 م غرينتش+11
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    Dive into the creative minds of today’s top authors, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and journeys that bring their captivating works to life.
  • Down Under Interviews Author James Gault
    Down Under Interviews Author James Gault
    تواريخ متعددة
    الأحد، 27 أكتوبر
    Down Under Interviews
    27 أكتوبر 2024، 6:00 م – 7:00 م غرينتش+11
    Down Under Interviews
    27 أكتوبر 2024، 6:00 م – 7:00 م غرينتش+11
    Down Under Interviews
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews the must-watch vodcast for readers and writers alike. Dive into the creative minds of today’s top authors, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and journeys that bring their captivating works to life.
  • Down Under Interviews Author Travis Davis
    Down Under Interviews Author Travis Davis
    تواريخ متعددة
    الأحد، 27 أكتوبر
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    27 أكتوبر 2024، 2:00 ص – 2:20 ص غرينتش-5
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    27 أكتوبر 2024، 2:00 ص – 2:20 ص غرينتش-5
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    Down Under Interviews: Whether you're a book lover or a writer seeking insight, this vodcast delivers an exclusive look into the heart of modern literature.

Down Under Interviews Author James Gault

الأحد، 27 أكتوبر


Down Under Interviews

History Bards and Down Under Interviews the must-watch vodcast for readers and writers alike. Dive into the creative minds of today’s top authors, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and journeys that bring their captivating works to life.

Down Under Interviews Author James Gault
Down Under Interviews Author James Gault

الوقت والموقع

11 تواريخ أخرى

27 أكتوبر 2024، 6:00 م – 7:00 م غرينتش+11

Down Under Interviews

نبذة عن الحدث

Owerd finds himself navigating a perilous world where loyalty and betrayal intertwine. Amidst the shadowy woods of his estate, a sudden attack by bandits reveals a calculated move by his arch-enemy, Bishop Odo. Owerd’s courage and tactical prowess shine as he battles to protect his people. In the great hall, he skillfully mediates disputes, maintaining order despite constant espionage. His confrontations with Bishop Odo and the harsh Scottish campaign test his resilience and leadership. Amidst it all, his secret love affair adds a personal dimension, highlighting the sacrifices he makes. In a final, desperate siege, Owerd fights for his legacy, his unyielding spirit defining his struggle for survival and honour.

James, or Jim by preference, is a former Naval Captain who has spent much of his life at sea mucking around in ships and boats. These days the stability of reading and writing are preferred, especially writing about history or…

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